Tally File Extension
Tally Tcp File Converter To Text Online
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A.ctg file extension is a computer configuration file. You would need a special type of program or software to open or convert this type of file. To open a.cfg extension file, use a program. Configure License of Tally.ERP 9: You can now configure the Tally.ERP 9 license without actually opening the Tally.ini file. The Configure License option is available in the Startup screen or from Gateway of Tally press F12: Configure Licensing Configure Existing License. The Configure Existing License provides the option to configure a Single User or a Multi-User License.
Tally File Extension Form
If a question is poorly phrased then either ask for clarification, ignore it, oredit the question and fix the problem. Insults are not welcome. Don't tell someone to read the manual. Chances are they have and don't get it.Provide an answer or move on to the next question.Let's work to help developers, not make them feel stupid.
Tally is one of the prominent software, which is designed to make business accounting or bookkeeping, of business that fits the needs of thousands of small and medium type of activity over the globe. One of the best features of this software is that we can work remotely. With continuous updates, this software provides a flexible platform to manage the entire accounting work.As Tally, which is one of the leading accounting software in India provides excellent features to protect data from getting corrupted.
But some of the fault with user side, data still get corrupted due to the following reasons,1. Virus contamination,2. Accidental deletion of files,3. Power failure or power goes off, and UPS is unable to give you backup,4. Unexpected system shutdown,5. Hard drive crashes,6.
Media corruption.Usually, when the data of Tally get corrupted then the user gets the following pop up error message. “Existing TallyInternal Error contact Tally SolutionsFile ‘”iocltally 9.0 data 10002Tmessage. TSFSize =0Char 512 (done 0)”How to recover damaged corrupted data of Tally?If you are receiving errors like above then there is 75% chances of recovering your data loosing only last few transaction entries.
For recovering from such option, tally provides an essay company rewriting option, which checks data files for valid entries and recreates the company profile with all the valid data it can recover.Note: Back up all your corrupted data before applying this solution.1. Start Tally and navigate to Company Selection Screen.