Upanishad Ganga Download All Episodes
Thousands of mothers and fathers, and hundreds of sons and wives arise in the world and depart from it. Others will (arise and) similarly depart. There are thousands of occasions for joy and hundreds of occasions for fear. These affect only him that is ignorant but never him that is wise. With uplifted arms I am crying aloud but nobody hears me. From Righteousness is Wealth as also Pleasure.
This Book (and DVD) shatter the general perception that spirituality is based on vague superstitions and blind faith. Pujya Gurudev guides us.
Upanishad Ganga. Short TV Series (2012–2013) Episode Guide. Upanishad Ganga (2012) Add Image See all 2 photos ». Audible Download. Short stories exploring today's concepts in ancient Indian contexts.
Why should not Righteousness, therefore, be courted? For the sake neither of pleasure, nor of fear, nor of cupidity should any one cast off Righteousness. Indeed, for the sake of even life one should not cast off Righteousness. Righteousness is eternal. Pleasure and Pain are not eternal.
Jiva is eternal. The cause, however, of Jiva's being invested with a body is not so.
Hey you guys! This show has probably been one of my most favorite mytho based shows ever. It's simple, and they show all of our favorite stories with such devotion and honesty!My favorite episode was the one with Pundalik, quite possibly because they showed is transition from a.slightly. arrogant fellow to such devoted bhakt and son. The ending was what got me!
I could watch that scene again and again! And this is also my most favorite katha ever anyway, so I had to gif it.They were originally meant for Tumblr, but apparently the colors had a high concentration of magenta, so they wouldn't upload. Idk why Tumblr has these problems, but anyway, here they are.
Upanishad Ganga Episode 50
Yes, this TV series is about mankind. At some point of its life, every person asks himself a very basic question, 'Who am I?,Why I am on this planet?, What is the significance of my life?,'. This series will start a momentum in me, to find the answers to these basic questions. This is the story of yours and mine that started with the dawn of mankind. This series is based on the basic fact the in the thousand years there were many changes in the ideology of people, but the basic truth about you and me remains untouched.
Upanishad Ganga Episode 4
To know that basic truth you need to go through the whole scripture of Upnishad and then Vedas. Because the knowledge in these scriptures will give you whole new eyes to see this world in a spiritual way not in the physical way that we all see today.