Canopus 2 Astrology Software
Experimenting with astrology software and applications — trying to find the best within my tight budget — Some don’t even have Placidus as an option. For instance, Janus 4 doesn’t use Placidus (unless it’s named something else that I haven’t heard of). Janus4 happens to be in my top 3 astrology programs.
All versions of windows from 98 onwards. The Allethiometer is a devicedriven by Dust that is able to answer questions formed in the mind of theuser. It is a symbol reader, with each of the 36 symbols having aninfinite number of meanings. A skilled user forms their questions byimagining how far down the particular meaning they are searching for is onthe ladder of meanings for that symbol, and must hold the three levels intheir mind while the allethiometer makes its response by stopping on asymbol for each number of times that the meaning is down on the ladder ofmeanings. There are massive books in the libraries of Lyra’s Oxforddedicated to the countless meanings of the symbols. In the ‘His DarkMaterials’ books, this is the object used by Lyra to help her on herquest. She uses it to trick Lofur, to learn about Will, and countlessother times.
This is the computerised version. You will be surprised howquickly you can learn to dowse.693kb.AstroClock is a live Astrological chart wheel which is updated everyminute. You'll see the Ascendant and other cusps change minute-by-minute,and the current position of the planets gradually moving. The look of thechart is customisable, and it can be sized and placed anywhere on yourdesktop.
The system tray constantly shows the current ascending sign orwhether the moon is Void of Course! Tons of features!.592 kb.Position calculation features: Sun through Pluto and the house cusps.Chiron and the four main asteroids. True and Mean nodes, Part of Fortune,Vertex, and East Point. Eight Uranian planets. Over 40 fixedstars. Over 170 Arabic parts and their formulas. Option to use any or allof accurate 8400 year ephemeris.
Computation features: Fourteen housesystems. Tropical and sidereal zodiac.
Specify zodiac starting position /ayanamsa. Heliocentric and other planet centred charts.
Applying andseparating aspects. Parallel and contra parallel aspects. Harmonic charts.Solar charts with objects on Ascendant or Midheaven. Decan positions.Navamsa positions.
Specify your own positions for planets. Positionsrelative to ecliptic or equator. Local horizon positions in prime verticalcoordinates.596 kb.'
Biorhythms for Windows' (BIOW) works under any Windows version startingfrom 3.0 i.e. Windows 3.x/95/98/ME/NT/2000. By Godovicyn Mihail. Astraight forward Biorhythm program. Clearly presented & easily understoodgraph, which displays calculations from any date to any date with criticalperiods graphically shown in a composite format.
Includes Print & Help.16.3 kb.Win9x/NT4/Me/2000/XP. Straightforward basic information re. Variousmethods of prediction. Opens a window with a selection of Subjects. Justchoose the Subject and then select any Item pertaining to it, now click'Show Me' to display the meaning. This version currently has meanings forStar Signs, Runes and Tarot. Very basic but handy.333 kb.Very functional program that can be personalized with your Name orCraft-name and password protected to keep your information private.
BookOf Shadows has sections for Spells, Rituals, Recipes and Incense Recipes.Ideal for the computer-age witch! Windows 9x.1.58 mb.Calendar Magic is a cornucopia of calendar-related information coveringGregorian, Chinese, Hebrew, Hindu lunisolar, Islamic civil, Julian &Persian calendars. It features date comparison, special events, datefacts, dates & times of equinoxes, solstices & Moon phases, and lots more.This program offers so much information about calendars that it is quitemind boggling. Not only does it offer all the major calendars in the world(most covering a span of over 1500 years – many up to 8000 years!) butalso many of the religious holidays for that period (Christian & Hebrew).It allows you to do a date comparison between the various calendars(essential) and even use the program as a personal event reminder.
You canwork out your birthday information (how many days old you are, etc, etc,etc), or check out the year that Great Britain changed to the Gregoriancalendar (in 1752) when 11 days were deliberately left out and the yearwas officially only 271 days long! It even offers an alternative yearlyplanner for the Gregorian calendar where it lists the year by theday-of-the-week (1st Monday in the month, 2nd Monday in the month, etc).All calendar information can be printed out or copied to the Windows'Clipboard for pasting into another program. It seems impossible toconceive of any information which isn't available but, while it includesmajor holidays from around the world, there is always something thatsomeone considers essential, which is missing. As a novelty program,Calendar Magic will keep you amused for hours, as a calendar tool youwon't want to be without it. This is one of those programs which you willhave to try for yourself because we could not even start to describe allof its parts. In other words, get it!.652 kb.Canopus 2.1 is a very powerful and professional astrological program.This software, originally written for Windows 95 is now no longersupported and offered as freeware, thus making it probably the bestfreeware astrological program I have come across. There are fullinterpretations of planetary aspects and many chart variations.
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Win9x:.1.06 mbThe Coligny Calendar is an ancient Celtic solar/lunar ritual calendarwhich was discovered in Coligny France. It dates to a time when the Romansand Celts coexisted, and heavily influenced each other. The Calendar thatwas found uses roman numerals for instance. However, the actual format ofthe calendar may be much older.144 kb.This Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing was designed as a learning toolfor beginners.
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SOLAR FIRE contains something for everyone. For advanced astrologers and professionals, it has a great variety of high-precision astrological calculations, and an exceptional degree of user-customisation. For novices, its innovative point-and-click chart interpretations provide an enjoyable way to learn, while its many easy to explore options are an invitation to experiment with new techniques.Why the loyal following?It all begins with the main screen of Solar Fire.
Immediately you feel a certain calm and order, a restful respite from information overload. And yet, somehow, it’s all there.You can immediately see the current state of the program, what charts and options are currently selected and every one of the huge array of program functions is accessible from this deceptively simple main screen’s menu bar.
How did such awesome power get packed into so simple and easy an interface? The secret is consistency, and thoughtful, careful planning.The data files that Solar Fire uses are simple, straightforward and, most important, similar to each other. This means that once you learn how to select an aspect set, for example, selecting any of the myriad of other options is easy.Entering the place, zone, latitude and longitude also couldn’t be simpler, because Solar Fire comes with the built-in ACS International Atlas. Just type in the data and place and the latitude, longitude and time zone are automatically looked up for you.COMPUTER REQUIREMENTSSoftware RequirementsWindows 7, Windows 8 or 8.1, Windows 10.Hardware RequirementsPC or compatible computerCD or DVD drive if you order a CD (loadable version also available)Windows 7 – 1 GB RAM minimum – 2 GB of RAM or more recommended. Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 10 – 1 GB RAM minimum – 2 GB of RAM or more recommended.About 200 MB of free disk space for a full installation (Solar Fire v9.0.28 is 160MB)Internet access is recommendedWindows tablets can be used if they are able to download and run Windows software.Please note this program has not been designed for MAC (Mac desktop or laptops).
Solar Fire’s capabilities include natal, progression, directed, any planet or asteroid return, pre-natal, rising/setting, lunar phase, locality, heliocentric, composite, harmonic and harmonic arc transform charts and moreChart Data FilesOnce saved, a chart is simple to find because of a number of thoughtful touches. You can group charts into any number of files – files for you, your family, your first-time clients, your ongoing clients, your research projects or books.
In addition to the file name, you can write an 80-character description of what’s in the file; this appears on the screen to jog your memory each time the file is selected.Even though a file can contain more than a thousand charts, you can locate a chart quickly by typing the first few letters of the name, or re-sorting the file into various alphabetical orders, by date of birth, or by when the chart was added to the file. And if you don’t remember which file a chart is in, no problem – Solar Fire will look for the chart in all your files at once. Files are easily reorganized by moving, copying, deleting and editing charts.
Plus, for every chart you store, you can keep unlimited comments that you can read and edit whenever the chart is selected.Wheels – Plain and FancySolar Fire lets you change the appearance of the charts. You can assign any colour that your computer screen offers to each individual planet, sign and aspect type. You can pick unusual fonts for the birth data and ‘Compliments of’ text, as well as from an exciting new array of wheels, from maximally readable to maximally colourful and exotic.In case none of these wheels suit you, Solar Fire has a unique, innovative Wheel Designer that lets you easily design your own. Let’s face it: most of us don’t need 200 wheels, we just need a few that we like. Using the Wheel Designer, you can have the fun of changing the size and number of circles and charts on each wheel, the line style, cusp style, placement size and type style and dozens of other attributes. The neatest thing about it is that you can see the changes take place as you make them. No waiting and no unpleasant surprises!Page Layout and DesignYou can choose from an array of page designs available to suit your needs or design your own page complete with unique wheels, reports and even your own logo.
You can find a page to suit your needs whether you are a horary, medieval, psychological or esoteric astrologer! Astrological publishing has never been this easy. Also note our lovely CHART ART displays (include images)Chart Art GaloreOur team of Solar Fire designers and artists has added a range of 110+ Chart Art to create beautiful backdrops for your chart work. See our beautiful array of designs by Celine Lawrence (designer), Kay Steventon (artist), Hank Friedman (artist) and Eila Laurikainen (designer) and then choose your favourites. Since first releasing our Solar Fire Gold we have added new Chart Art with themes – Love Art for Relationship Astrology Work and Child Art for children’s charts.50 Standard Points are available throughout the program. These include Sun through Pluto, North and South Lunar Nodes (mean or true), Part of Fortune (fixed or different day/night), Asc, MC, Vertex, and Equatorial Asc (“East Point”); Earth, Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Hygeia and Astraea; 8 Uranian planets, Transpluto, Vulcan (D.
Baker or L.H. Weston version), and the Black Moon Lilith (mean position). Also included are points such as Eris, Sedna, Selena (White Moon), Polar Ascendant and much more.You can include any or all of these points in the main ring of wheels and in virtually all other options of Solar Fire, including the astro-location maps and planetarium view. You can create and save different point sets for different uses, and in Solar Fire’s lists and tables you can have the points arranged in the order that you prefer.30 House Systems include Placidus, Koch, Campanus, Meridian, Morinus, Porphyry, Regiomontanus, Topocentric, Whole Signs, Alcabitius and Hindu Bhava. There are also equal houses from the Ascendant; equal with the Ascendant in the center of the 1st; equal with any planet, the lunar north Node, the Part of Fortune, the Equatorial Ascendant, 0° Aries or 0° of the Sun sign on the 1st; and equal with the MC on the 10th or the Vertex on the 7th.
Houses can be calculated for geographic or geocentric latitude. In addition, Gauquelin sector positions are available in tables and in the chart and electional searches. Solar Fire v9 sees the addition of Part of Fortune Whole Sign System.Aspect Support26 predefined aspects for the first 12 harmonics (conjunctions through semisextiles, plus septiles, noviles, undeciles and their multiples), and also parallels and contraparallels are included in Solar Fire. Each predefined aspect has its own glyph, and can have its own color and line style. You can also define additional aspects with their own arc widths, orbs, colours, line styles and alphabetical symbols.You can set different orbs for natal, transiting and progressed use, and different orbs for the luminaries vs.
Other points. You can also create different orbs for each individual pair of points by choosing Solar Fire’s “planet ratio” orbs. Other available ways of doing aspects include moieties, unidirectional, sign-to-sign, and “3-D” (off-the-ecliptic) aspects. You can create and store an unlimited number of different aspect sets for different purposes.EncyclopediaWe have taken the best of Devores’ Encyclopedia and added our own new definitions to make up the Solar Encyclopedia.Students of astronomical cycles will like the ingress, lunar-phase, rise/set, and return charts. Returns can be for any planet or asteroid, or to any specified point in the zodiac, and you can do a whole string of returns automatically from one input. You can also find ingresses and eclipses in the dynamic search option, and can create custom ephemeris pages for any period in history.Birthday Pop Up RemindersEvery day that you open your Solar Fire your selected reminders will pop-up so you may never again forget the birthdays of clients, family and friends.CHART DATA 3000+ Rodden-rated charts in new chart categories including Adventure, Art & Design, Business, Crime & Infamy, Esoteric, Fashion & Society, Horse Racing, Literature, Media, Military, Music & Dance, Politics, Religion, Royalty, Science, Screen & Stage, Sports. PLUS the Australia Data collection.ASTRODYNES (also known as Cosmodynes) Many of you have requested this technique and our team has responded.
Astrodynes can be viewed and printed in the new Report View tabulation list and have also been added as 8 different page objects. These can be added to a page using the Page Designer. You can get pop-up interpretations of individual aspects and other factors by clicking on planets and other items in the chart wheel or hitlist.
You can also view, edit and print complete multi-page reports through your favourite word processor. If you wish, you can put your own stamp on the interpretations by rewriting and adding to the text database itself.Included interpretations in Solar Fire;Natal (with Vertex), Synastry, Transiting, Progressed, Firdaria, Midpoint, Sabian Oracle and Sabian Natal.All written by world-renowned astrologers and experts in their fields such as Stephanie Johnson, Alice Portman, Julian Venables and Lynda Hill.The Solar Fire interpretations text is continually updated and improved for your enjoyment. These reports can be sold or given to your friends, family and clients however we recommend you edit them first as they have been written for astrological edification.
For fully comprehensive reports for more general use please see our Solar Writer range which can be used seamlessly with Solar Fire or on their own. PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGERS can make sense of mountains of timed hits, thanks to Solar Fire’s Time Map graphs, graphic ephemeris and its great sorting capabilities. Besides sorting timed hits in the usual chronological order, you can sort with the slowest-moving transits first, group natal points to see how each is affected by transits during the period, or put exact and leaving hits upfront with the entering hit to see the whole course of each transit as it starts. You can also sort transits, progressions, directions, ingresses, stations and eclipses into separate sections.
Dynamic lists have the same advanced options (tertiaries, minors, quotidians, Bija correction, etc.) as individual charts, and there is a full selection of return charts, including precession-corrected and converse.Also note our new calendar complete with short text. (image of Gold Calendar)THE PLANET OR ELECTIONAL SEARCHYou can search through your chart files one at a time to discover charts with similar features. You can look for planets in the same signs, house, aspects and/or position.
The powerful time search capability enables you to use a wide range of astrological criteria and chart data criteria. Solar Fire makes it all so easy and the results are fascinating.You can search for Chart Shapes, Unaspected planets, Day of Week and even Midpoints! Some chart shapes also allow selection of which planet is key (eg. Lead planet in a Locomotive, Handle planet in a Sling or Bucket). And if that is not enough Solar Fire now allows for full Boolean logic support!DYNAMIC REPORTSA welcome addition to Solar Fire is the ability to define your own dynamic report columns and include AGE!
You can now see aspects already in Orb at the start of each report allowing long term transit hits to be always visible, even if no E/X/L event occurs during report period. Our Dynamic events have the highest accuracy possible, including for large time steps. Auto DST adjustments are now applied to report events and a timezone column added to show which timezone applies to each event.CALENDARSee your personal and/or daily transits and interpretations in our elegantly designed calendar. You can easily and quickly display any dynamic report in calendar format, for a day, week or month at a time.
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You can print your Solar Calendar or email it to your family, friends or clients. Your interpretations can be shown as popup hint bubbles, or as a separate report. The Calendar can also be produced as a PDF file and then easily exported as calendar events into other calendar programs such as MS Outlook, or any other calendar applications that are compatible with the iCalendar or vCalendar formats.FORECASTINGSolar Fire lets you cast all types and variations of forecasting charts and save them for future use. You can choose from:. Transiting Charts: Direct or converse, tropical, sidereal or precession-corrected. Progressed Charts: By secondary, tertiary (mean or true), minor or user rate. MC progressed by solar or Naibod arc in either longitude or right ascension, or by Q2 (“daily houses”) rate.
Progressed day type may be standard or Bija. Can also be direct or converse, tropical, sidereal or precession-corrected. Directed Charts include solar, Ascendant, Vertex and user-defined arcs, and these can be direct or converse, with whole, half, double or reverse arcs. Return Charts include returns of the Sun, Moon or any planet or standard asteroid to its natal or any other specified position. Returns can be tropical, sidereal or precession-corrected; direct or converse; full, demi, quarti, or any other harmonic; and you can do a whole string of returns from any starting date. Other types of return include progressed solar returns and Wynn Key Cycles. Lunar-Phase Charts include progressed and transiting lunar phases, eclipses, phase returns, and Pessin lunar phase families.
Age-Harmonic Charts create a harmonic chart for a given moment in someone’s life from the person’s exact age at the time. You can do these for the person’s age, or age plus one year.You can view any forecasting chart either by itself or in a multi-ringed wheel along with the natal and other charts.
You can also cast forecasting charts with extra points and view them using Solar Fire’s extra-points wheel rings and tables. Animated Charts let you put natal and forecasting charts on the same multi-wheel, and then click forward or back in time to watch the changes in the transiting, progressed and/or directed (and even profected) planets and aspects.
Solar Fire’s aspect highlighting feature makes the changes even more dramatic, thickening an aspect line as the aspect builds in intensity, and then changing it to a broken line as soon as the aspect separates. Not only can you animate chart wheels, you can also animate aspectarians and even whole pages in order to watch their tables of dignities, arabic parts, rays and a lot more change through time. You can also animate dials, get point-and-click interpretations, and print out any chart that you see on the screen. This simple and direct way of looking at charts could well become your favourite way to forecast!. A Real-Time Chart shows you a wheel or page with constantly updating current planetary positions. To get it, you simply put the animated chart on automatic update. (This is in addition to the constantly updating planet, MC and Asc positions that you can have always visible on Solar Fire’s Main Screen.)Dynamic Hit Lists are extraordinarily flexible and complete in Solar Fire.
You can do transits (to natal, transiting, progressed or directed positions), progressions (secondary, tertiary, minor and user-defined, to natal or progressed positions), arc directions (solar, Ascendent, Vertex or user-defined whole, double, half or reverse arcs), sign and house ingresses, stations and eclipses. You can also include parallels of declination or latitude, primary directions (Van Dam Primary Mundane / Primary Zodiacal options, Placidus or Regiomontanus methods for computing directions, New rate keys, Classical or Modern definitions of Converse), annual profections, and void-of-course Moon times. You can do any individually, mix them in one timed list, or merge hit lists to gain even further flexibility.As points, you can include both moving and natal asteroids, hypothetical planets, midpoints, and even the moving Asc, MC, Vertex and Equatorial Ascendant. Plus, as natal points you can include intermediate house cusps, Arabic parts, and any fixed points that you specify. You can use different point sets for transits, progressions/directions, and the natal chart, and can use different aspects and orbs for transits vs. Progressions/directions.Other choices include natal or relocated; geo or helio; tropical, sidereal or precession-corrected; regular or converse; and timing to either the day or the minute. Once you set up all your selections for a given purpose, you can name and save them for future use.Once a hit list is calculated, Solar Fire’s sorting capabilities help you to make sense of it.
For more information about a hit, you can click on it to see other instances of the transit, a paragraph of interpretation, or a full chart wheel for the moment.Dynamic Interpretation ReportsIn addition, for the entire period covered by the hit list, you can view and print a multi-page transiting and/or progressed interpretation report. You can also copy just the hits themselves to a word processor or spreadsheet, where you can edit them, manipulate them in tables, etc.These reports aren’t intended for batch processing and commercial applications, but they’re great for getting your interpretive juices flowing, promoting your services, and giving to a client as an extra along with your consultation. And for beginners, they’re an easy and pleasant way to learn astrology.“Time Maps” show the whole hitlist in graphic form. Using a horizontal bar to indicate the duration of each event, these graphs make it easy to visualize how the transits, progressions, directions, and other events overlap in time.Graphic Ephemerides: Ebertin-style graphs of planetary motion give you an additional way to make sense of transits, progressions or directions. Making it immediately obvious how fast each planet is travelling, and in what direction, they vividly depict planetary stations and complexes or “knots” of aspects. You can do graphic ephemerides with or without a natal chart, and you can view them not only in longitude (in 360-, 30-, 45-degree or any other modulus) but also in latitude and declination.In Solar Fire you can move the cursor to see the exact date and zodiacal degree of any point on the graph. Even better, you are free to scroll these graphs forward and back in time as much as you wish without needing to return to the selection screen.Custom Ephemeris Tables use state-of-the-art accuracy and go way beyond what you can get in books!
Over any timespan and in whatever time zone and time intervals you choose, you can generate your choice of longitude, latitude, right ascension, declination, and daily motion not only for planets, but also for the MC, Asc, Part of Fortune, midpoints, regular and extra asteroids, stars and hypothetical points. You can do these in geo or helio coordinates; in the tropical, draconic or any sidereal zodiac.
Canopus 2 Astrology Software Free
Your printouts can also include the sidereal time and day of the week, and they can be precise to either minutes or seconds of arc. You can also generate ephemerides in decimal-degree format for export to spreadsheets and other applications.Life-Event lists attached to the natal chart make it easy to store and organize a person’s whole life history and add to it whenever you wish.
Just click on the main screen’s Chart Preview window to enter the dates and times of these events. From then on, they stand ready for instant recall as transiting, progressed or directed charts. Life-event lists also enable you to jump to the time of these events instantly in the animated chart view. Solar Fire contains all of the features that you would like for your relationship astrology work – Synastry Grids and Interpretations, Composite Charts, and more.RELATIONSHIP COUNSELLORS will be fascinated by what the multi-person composite charts (of up to 15 people) and four-chart dials reveal about groups. A synastry grid with orbs lets you quickly spot the issues.
Or you can make a Synastry interpretations report.Ashtkoot Compatibility SystemThe Ashtkoot Compatibility System is a system that has its roots in India and is primarily used in Vedic astrology. “Ashtkoot” simply means “8 factor”. Traditional astrologers will enjoy the growing body of features included to enable you to explore the ancient world of astrology.Solar Fire traditionalists have a choice between a round chart wheel or a traditional square one. A round wheel can display the Decans while Traditional Square Charts are included in a dozen pages designed specifically for Classical Astrology.Traditional House Systems include Whole Signs, Alcabitius, Regiomontanus and other appropriate houses.Traditional Aspect Types include moieties and sign-to-sign aspects. ESOTERIC ASTROLOGERS can work with esoteric and hierarchical ruler-ships, ray interpretations, and the esoterically important hypothetical planet Vulcan. Solar Fire includes both the Douglas Baker and LH Weston calculations for Vulcan.Solar Fire enables you to include the heliocentric position of the planet Earth on geocentric charts. You can also explore other esoterically important planetary bodies including Sigma, Morya, Pan, Isis, Hermes, Osiris, Midas and Lion.You can display graphs of ray distributions of the planetary placements by sign using either weighted or unweighted planets.
Canopus 2 Astrology Software Pdf
You can also display planet and sign colors based on the esoteric ray through the signs and planets.Solar Fire enables you to select esoteric aspects such as the Quintile, Septile, Novile and more.You can calculate 18 kinds of prenatal charts, including E H Bailey and Charles Jayne-type charts for conception and quickening.You may also enjoy displaying your birth charts using the beautiful designs of Esoteric Astrologer the late Eila Laurikainen and other artists. COSMOBIOLOGISTS AND URANIANS will love the Cosmobiology Dials in Solar Fire complete with pointers and the ability to do transits to midpoints and watch the mid-points transiting.Midpoints: There are midpoint trees and lists of midpoint axis structures; midpoint lists sorted by planet, modulus or mode; and Munkasey Midpoint Weighting Analysis tables that show which midpoints are the most active. You can also include selected midpoints in the extra-points ring of wheels and dials. You can also find Midpoint Interpretations written by UK Astrologer Julian Venables.For forecasting with midpoints, Solar Fire’s dynamic hitlists, time map graphs and Ebertin-style graphic ephemerides can include not only natal but also transiting, progressed and directed midpoints. In addition, you can generate table-style ephemerides that show the positions of transiting midpoints at regular intervals.Arc Directions: In directed charts, hitlists, time maps and graphic ephemerides, you can do solar arc and other directions by forward or reverse whole, half or double arcs.
In addition, you can use solar-arc-directed graphic ephemerides to create Cosmobiology “life diagrams.”Graphic Modulus Sort Strips are like linear dials. They let you see at a glance how the chart points relate to each other in various harmonics.
You can create sort strips in any modulus (for example 360-, 30-, 45- 72- and 90-degree) and arrange strips for different moduli on the same page.Planetary Pictures: Solar Fire’s Arabic Parts Editor enables you to create unlimited Uranian A+B-C combinations to appear as sensitive points in wheels and tables.Sorted Difference Listings of all pairs of points in a chart are a simple and elegant way to see both midpoint axes and planetary pictures. They sort the near and far arcs between every planetary pair in order of arc size. Pairs with nearly the same arc are on the same midpoint axis — which means that they form a planetary picture.Other Cosmo features include:. Antiscia and Contra-antiscia charts and tables.
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8 Uranian Planets plus the Aries Point. Ebertin-Style Medical Degree Meanings available by clicking on any degree in the chart wheel or by selecting Degrees in the natal interpretation report. Watch the celestial sphere appear before your very eyes. Solar Fire’s Planetarium is a unique method to rediscover the ancient realm of the Fixed Stars.290 Major Stars are included, with coordinates, magnitude, spectral class, and in many cases keywords and interpretations. The Fixed Stars Editor enables you to enter data for additional stars or deep-space objects, sort them in various ways, print out star tables, find their positions in eras remote from our own, and create special sets of stars for different uses. You could even use the Fixed Stars Editor to enter the day-by-day positions of a comet (which you could then display in the Planetarium View, with or without the planets of a natal chart).The Planetarium View enables you to view the starry sphere either by itself or with a chart’s planets overlaid. This shows the true spatial relation of stars to a chart.
You can click on a star (or on the planet nearest to it) to see the star’s name, constellation, catalog number, coordinates, magnitude, spectral class, and in many cases, its meaning. Also shown are the star’s rise/set/culminate/anticulminate times for the date and place of the birth chart. These can provide a clue as to whether the star is making parans with other bodies in the chart.Star Aspect and Paran Lists are available in the main body of the program. These show either aspects or parans between stars and the other points in a chart.Star Interpretations are available for 50 of the most prominent stars, you can point and click in the planetarium to see a carefully thought-out modern interpretation by star expert Bernadette Brady.
Brief traditional designations are also given for the set of 31 stars mentioned by Ptolemy.Stars in Chart Wheels and Pages: Special extra-points rings enable you to embellish chart wheels with whatever stars you wish, and next to the chart wheels you can place flexible extra-points lists that give a key to the stars’ abbreviations and show their coordinates and other data that you think is relevant.Ephemeris Tables of Stars. You can use Solar Fire’s Ephemeris Generator to list the changing longitudes, latitudes, right ascensions and declinations of stars over long periods of time. (You can also adjust star positions for precession and proper motion by entering a new date in the Fixed Stars Editor.). VEDIC ASTROLOGERS can enjoy the North Indian and South Indian square charts, dasas, bhuktis, Whole Sign and Hindu Bhava Houses (Sri Pati), Lahiri, Krishnamurti and other ayanamsas. It is also possible to cast various Vedic divisional charts and to view the Nakshatras (Vedic lunar divisions) in the Solar Fire tabulations which shows the Nakshatras for the current chart according to the default sidereal zodiac. The names and types of the mansions are given, as well as a few keywords describing the attributes of each mansion.Dasas for Natal ChartsSolar Fire can now be displayed showing the Dasas for a natal chart. A major dasa cycle runs for 120 years and it is further sub-divided into sub-dasas also known as bhuktis.
If you open a natal chart and use a Vedic zodiac, like Lahiri, you can now display the dasa periods for that natal chart.Ashtkoot Compatibility SystemWith the Ashtkoot Compatibility System you can compare two people’s charts and determine their compatibility levels.WheelsIncluded is Vedic Wheel styles including Nakshatra Simple and Nakshatra With Signs. Astrology has been used for many purposes over the centuries, but it is not commonly known to assist with financial forecasts and decisions.