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NosTale security and download notice periodically updates software information of NosTale from the software publisher (Gameforge 4D), but some information may be slightly out-of-date or incorrect. NosTale version Client 20090120 for Windows was listed on on and it is marked as Freeware. Nostale global client free download - Silkroad Online Legend VII Global Client, Silkroad Online Legend V Global Client, AT&T Global Network Client for Windows 10, and many more programs.
Hello all in my tutorial:)I gonna alredy tell u, u can use any server files, bcs its work for all of it (except Skrillex) but i recomend WAAT server files in version 0.8All tools u gonna need:+ Server Files (gonna upload waat 0.8 include database! )+ Registration Page (optional)+ NosPack 0.5b (To unpack any of.NOS files)+ NostaleLocal.exe (Its 'Raimey.exe' bcs its my file)+ MySQL Installer Comunity+ Any NosTale Client (In other than DE u will have 'zts.' Etc.)+ Hex Editor (To edit Ip adress in NosTaleLocal.exe)Ok if u have all files downloaded, lets get started.1. Install your MySQL Installer Comunitya) Click ' Install MySQL products' ' i accept tearms of license' next Execute (here u must wait 1 minute) Next Custom (Chose your folder to install all of it) In aplication, uncheck ' MysQL For Excel 1.1.1' bcs we dont need it Next Next wait for finish the instalation Next next In Advanced Option check box ' Show Advance Options' next Choose your Password (!!!! REMEMBER THIS PASSWORD!!!) Next Check ' Standard System Account' next next next next finish.b) After installation is complete, Open your COLOR= 52a2aMySQL workbench/COLOR and Then connect to standard local instance and type your password (that what u setting in installation). Click ' Create a new shema in the connected server' (u can find it under ' View' option) and name it as ' waat01' (u can type another name here, but u just must edit Login and server files with this another name) and then click apply apply Finish.c) Time to import our database.
First in menu ' Shemas' right click on ' waat01' and choose ' Select as default Shema'. Now click File Open SQL Script and look for your.sql file in server files.Now u must click the thunder when u see ' Execute the selected portion of the script or everything, if there is no selection' (Look screenshot under tutorial). Now click on 'waat01' with right button of your mouse and select ' Refresh all'.The database now is completely working.c1) If u want to add acoount, click the arrow next to ' waat01' and then another one next to ' tables'. Click on ' accounts' with right clikc and select ' Edit Rows - 1000 Limits' and just type your ID and Password.
If u want to be GM in 'isGameMaster' take 2 if not, just 0.2. Starting the server.a) Login Server - Find your files (unpacked ofc) and look for 'Config Files' now Open ' Login.ini' and type here ur IP, Database name etc.b) World Server - Same as Login server.c) Server list - Just open ' logingameserver' and add/delete/rename etc. As u wish (Name is the server name).3. COLOR= 52a2aClient./COLORa) If u have localhost server (all ip default etc.) u can skip to point 4b) If u make Hamachi or hosted server, Open ' NosTalelocal.exe' with Hex Editor and find '', ofc switch it to your ip Adress (Or Hamachi IP)4.
Editing NPC's, Moster etc.a) If u want to edit NPC etc. Go to your files folder and find ' data' Folder. Now u can do this all u wish.b) Rate Change - Go to config folder and open ' server.ini' u should fint there 'GAME' line. All other u know:-)5. Using NosPack is simple, just open it and look for.NOS file u want to open, then do what u want. (REMEMBER TO BE CAREFULY!)FAQ.Q: 'Database Initialize Failed'A: Check all IP and PORTS for ur login and server.ini, and in MySQL WorkBench (In login.ini and server.ini there should be same ports as in MySQL WB)Q: How to change class?A: If u using my files, u must go to 'character' table and switch it manualy (REMEMBER TO BE OFFLINE IN GAME!) 1 - Warrior 2 - Archer 3 - Mage 0 - Adventurer.Q: How to add mobs?A: Same as NPC but check the 'MapEnemies.txt' in data folderQ: Why i have 'zts.'
As Npc and mobs name?A: U are using other than DE Client, sorry but i dont know how to fix it yet;/SS1Legend:Red - important File or NameGold - Important OptionTeal - ButtonsI've just started to making server files, bcs i love this game and want to have own server. GameForge just destroy all atmosfere etc. In game so i end of playing it. They make the original game for money only (Look at ItemMall and price. )If we will make the server files togheter, we can have own servers without any problems etc. All project are runned alredy or stopped project (From many reason)If u want to share my tutorial, just please post in it 'By Raimey'.Scans For Files:Server FilesNosPackNostaleLocal.exe@New NPC, Mobs, Shops, Fully Items:Just replace for oldScreenShots.
Fun MMORPG game that takes you on a fantastic journey to EastmileNosTale is the Tale of the Nomad of Silver Spirit. The tale speaks of the adventurers of the continent of Eastmile. NosTale is a role playing game built on the concept of Growth and Ownership. Featuring cute and lovable characters, this RPG stands out from the rest because of the fun factor and newbie friendly game play.
Play NosTale to join this amazing world and start creating your own NosMates!Endless adventuresIf you're craving for adventure, then you'll find lots to do in NosTale. The game follows an exciting story, so everything that you do in the world has an impact on the story. As you role play your character, you will find yourself growing more mature and more powerful. The TimeSpace Stone forms the backdrop of your adventures and guides you through your journey. You can also choose to follow your destiny and go on your adventures. You can form a party with other adventurers, strengthening the community in the process. If you don't find other players, worry not!
You can recruit NosMates into your party by capturing Non Playing Characters (NPCs) and Pets. NosTale offers you the chance to grab a piece of land and make it your own house called Mini-Land.
You can use your Mini-Land to train your NosMates.A thousand avatarsYour NosTale character can have an endless array of looks to choose from. Select your skills to decide what your character should be in the world and customize your look to make him or her stand out from the others. The flexibility of the Base and Plus Skill system makes it easy to add or remove skills. Try out the elite Specialist class to enjoy a diverse range of jobs and skills. The Specialist is highly respected in the world of NosTale.Fearsome and formidable enemiesGather other adventurers into your party to fight with seemingly invincible monsters. The odds of survival are less but with teamwork, co-operation and strategy you can defeat these enemies.
Challenge these monsters endlessly and after you have prevailed over the opposition, the rewards are unimaginable.Download and install NosTale safely and without concerns.NosTale is a game developed by Gameforge 4D and it is listed in Games category under Adventure. NosTale is a free game and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this game. You can run NosTale on all modern Windows OS operating systems.
NosTale was last time updated on and it has 4,829 downloads on portal. Download and install NosTale safely and without concerns. NosTale security and download periodically updates software information of NosTale from the software publisher (Gameforge 4D), but some information may beslightly out-of-date or incorrect.
Nostale Uk Download
NosTale version Client 20090120 for Windows was listed on on and it is marked as Freeware.All software products that you can find on, including NosTale, are either free, freeware, shareware, full version, trial, demo or open-source.You can't download any crack or serial number for NosTale on Every software that you are able to download on our site is freely downloadableand 100% legal. There is no crack, serial number, keygen, hack or activation key for NosTale present here nor we support any illegal way of software activation.If you like software product please consider supporting the author and buying product.
If you can not afford to buy product consider the use of alternative free products.Is it safe to download and install NosTale?NosTale was checked for possible viruses by various leading antivirus software products and it is proven to be 100% clean and safe. Although, no malware, spyware or othermalicious threats was found we strongly advise you to check product again before installing it on your PC.Please note that laws concerning the use of NosTale may vary from country to country.