Structural Crack Repair Pool
The Original Leak Detection Specialists™Do you see a crack in your pool while you swim? Has a crack compromisedthe beauty of your fountain?
American Leak Detection™ can help!We provide reliable crack injection services to repair structural cracksand preserve the integrity of your water features. Our leak detectionspecialists have extensive training and knowledge of finding and repairingleaks to prevent further damage.Cracks in gunite or concrete pools are not uncommon, but they can be serious.They can indicate undetected leaks and distress from within your pool,spa, or fountain.
We had a crack form in our 5 year old fiberglass pool, a structural crack that caused water loss continually. The following is what I did to repair the crack, as we couldn't get the manufacturer or contractor to do anything about it, and had gone for about 7 months (last fall to this spring) with the crack going untreated. What is crack repair? The focus of crack repair is to prevent further leakage of water through existing pool cracks. In some cases, the structural integrity of the pool will also be addressed. Will the fix be permanent? Since all crack situations are different, there is no guarantee that the fix will be permanent.
Scrolldown to browse through some archived SWIMMING POOLquestions and answers. Please click the PoolProblems Link, on top of every page, to access a completelisting of Pool Problem subjects, an alphabetizedWebsite Table of Contents, Pool Equipment Information,About Alan Biographic Material and a Pool Glossary.
Usethe other links to access additional subjectinformation. More information about some new and uniqueproducts, for pools and spas, can be found by visiting.You'll never know what you'll find and that's alwaysfun. Be better prepared and avoid costly problems! MajorCredit Cards and PayPal.You DON'T have tojoin PayPal.On-lineshopping since 2002 - Safe and Secure!!!Structural Concrete Crack RepairsNew andinnovative pool products can be used tosolve common problems and even some lesscommon ones, as well. The rightproduct can provide a better and easiersolution. A structural, concretecrack requires more than just epoxy. Use 5000 pounds oftorque, to hold the opposite sidestogether and make a rock solid ahybrid-epoxy coating, that is easier toprep and apply and can be used torefinish masonry or fiberglass pools,spas and fountains.
▼Helpful,Problem-Solving Information, in a question andanswer format.▼►Cracked And Growing In Size?There is a crack in my pool which isin the coping about half inch wideand travels down into the tile andinto the plaster about one quarterinch wide in plaster, about 7-feetlong vertical down side of pool.What is the best way to repair thiscrack that is losing about quarterinch of water a day? Thank you.Elizabeth M., Simi Valley, CA,Thisis a structural crack, likely theresult of settling.
Filling thecrack with epoxy might seal theleak, but the forces causing thecrack will still be at work.Eventually the crack will a system forrepairing structural concretecracks. It used 'staples' to holdthe opposite sides of the cracktogether, with 5,000 pounds oftorque. It is used with epoxy tomake a true repair. Once completethe repaired area can bereplastered. I hope that theinformation provided was helpful.Sincerely. Alan Schuster,► Cracked Pool Wall?I have what started out as a hairlinecrack, in marcite, below the waterline.
Swimming Pool Crack Repair Products
I used an epoxybased product to seal the crack and everything seemed OK.Now, it seems that the crack has widened very slightly. I amlosing about 1/4' of water a day and, from what I have read,that is reasonably normal. Is there something that would bebetter to seal this crack. I'm afraid it could get bigger.Thanks for the help.Carl R., San Diego, CA, 3/31/2018It is hard to tell if you are losing water, at this time. Ifthe crack widens, a leak will likely result.
If the crackis widening, it is probably an indication that the area isstill under stress, due to settling, erosion, or shifting.As you have discovered repair compounds may solve theproblem, but if there is ongoing stress you may need morerepair efforts. The will make arepair that will prevent expansion and will be rock solid.This is the right product, for your problem. I hope thatthis information proves helpful. Good luck with the repair.Sincerely. Alan Schuster, 4/1/2018► UnsettlingCrack?I had my pool and deck redone about 3 summers ago. I noticedthe outer decking was sinking and now one end of the poolhas raised. There is a crack in the in the deck next to theskimmer basket and is just starting in the tile.
The deepend of the pool and inner deck has raised 2 and 1/4 inch.What should I do?Julie, 7/28/2016This is a construction problem and I am really not qualifiedto offer much in the way of specifics. Obviously, erosion,settling or water table level changes are entering into whathas happened. How it can be best remedied is something thatI cannot help with. You need to discuss this with severalbuilders and compare the options. You can't just patch acrack, as it will continue to expand. If concrete is crackedand still under stress, the product might beable to help solve the issues, at hand. Good luck with thework and I hope that I have been of some help.Sincerely.
Alan Schuster, 7/28/2016► Repairing APool Crack?I have a small crack just below thetile border. If it matters the pool is in Florida. Anysuggestions on what to do? I appreciate any help and thanksfor the opportunity to email the question.Dick S., Florida, 3/1/2014There are several ways to do this, depending upon the poolsurface. In the simplest case, you can use an epoxy orsilicone repair material. Aesthetically, it make not be themost attractive repair. You could chip out the crack, sealwith epoxy or silicone caulk and resurface the repairedarea.
How inconspicuous the repaired area will be a matterof being able to get the exact match on the pool surface.However, such repairs may not last, if there is settling orstress. The physically holds the oppositeside together, so that when filled with epoxy, it will notpull apart. This will make a rock-solid repair! Good luckand I hope that this information proves useful.Sincerely. Alan Schuster, 3/1/2014► SurfacePool Cracks?I am planning on repainting my gunitepool next year. I have notices a few cracks and defects onthe surface. I am not losing any water, above normal, so fara I know.
I would like to repair the problem spots this yearand paint next year. I don't want to have to drain the poolto get at theses underwater areas. Is there something thatwill work under the water.
Thanks for the help.Mike H., Lakeland, FL 4/23/2005It is a good idea to do something to prevent water gettingbehind the original plaster finish.manufactures a complete line of product for makingunderwater repairs. One of the products is an underwaterepoxy kit. The material is white and can be painted overwhen you're ready. In the meantime it will make a watertight repair, without having to drain the water. Just followthe simple directions.
Good luck and I hope that I have beenhelpful.Sincerely. Alan Schuster, 4/23/2005► CrackingAnd Draining?Your website is really helpful. Canyou give me some information on how do pools actuallydevelop cracks? I have heard that if you drain all the waterand leave the pool empty, it can crack? Thank you for yourhelp.Craig.
Puffy amiyumi puffy raritan. Hairline crack could develop, as the surface dries out.However, the greater danger is that the pool will crack, dueto shifting or settling. In cases where the water table ishigh, the pool can pop up out of the ground. The shorter thetime, the better, when it comes to draining and make surethe water table is not unusually high. I hope that thisinformation will be helpful.Sincerely. Alan Schuster.
Look attheseinterestingproducts!!!Limited-Time-OnlySavings onsome items.All majorcredit cardsand PayPalareaccepted.Shop withSecurity andSafety.Protected on a secure server,with SSL encryption.Visitfor more unique andproblem-solvingproducts.► CrackedGunite?We are in the process of putting in aninground gunite pool. The pool was dug and gunite was shotin 3 weeks ago. There is one area of the pool that we arenoticing cracks about 4 inches long and 1/8 inch wide in thegunite that were not there 2 weeks ago.
They have not yetput the plaster yet, but will do so soon. Should I insistthat these cracks are repaired, or will the plaster sealthem. I would rather deal with this now if it is an issuethen later. Thanks.Joan R., 5/20/2010Cracks are subject to expansion. Just filling it in andplastering over will expose you to a cracked finish, at somefuture time.
Insist on a proper repair or it may come backto haunt you. In my opinion, you need a product, such as, to make a proper repair. It prevents expansionand allows the void to be filled in with epoxy. Oncereplastered, you won't know a repair was done. I hope thisinformation proves helpful.Sincerely. Alan Schuster, 5/21/2010►Hairline Cracks And A Pool Leak?Alan, I have gunite pool that has asmall crack some where. My pool builder has already repairedsome of them, but I still have a small leak.
If I apply FixA Leak, will it fix a small crack? I've read where thisstuff is some what flexible.
Is that true? Also, my builderdid not install the hydrostatic valve. After having a lot ofrain is when my pool cracks started showing. If the valvewas installed, would the pool have the cracked from therain?Robert C., Florida, In order for hydrostatic pressure to become an issue, theground water level would have to be higher than the poolwater level.
That would have made construction difficult, atthe very least. The cracks might not be related to the waterloss. Fix A Leak will not eliminate the cracks, but couldhelp make a long lasting seal. There are dye solutions thatcan help you trace a leak. A drop or two can be added to astill pool, near possible sites of a leak, and can helptrace the way to the location, as the water leaks out. Thereare easy to use dye solution, available at some pool stores.: a product that can permanently seal leaks as bigas 1/8' in diameter.
It works in gunite, fiberglass or vinylpools and in the plumbing, as well. Easy to use and will notrequire that the pool be drained. Patching compounds areavailable, that might be a close match to your pool finish.I hope that this information will be helpful.Sincerely. Alan Schuster.
► CrackedSteps?We have a 20X40 inground vinyl poolthe steps have a crack in them. What is the best way totake care of this problem? Is there such a thing areplacement cover?Tammy, 3/15/2006You could try repairing the crack with an underwaterepoxy from. It should be the right product.It may be possible to have a vinyl cover made for the steps.It won't be inexpensive, won't look as well and probablywon't make you happy.
Try the epoxy. It cures to a whitefinish and it should be hard to notice. Good luck.Sincerely. Alan Schuster, 3/16/2006► AvoidingThe Need To Use A Liner?We have a very old in-ground concretepool. The pool has now developed a crack which is leakingfast.
Except for the crack the pool is in very good shape.We have been told that a pool liner is our only option (by apool liner company). They maintain that if we fix the crack,it will only be a temporary solution since the crack willopen again.
I am not sure how, but this is what they say. Doyou share this view or do you think we should investigateother sealing options. Any advice will be appreciated. Manythanks.Marius G., 4/23/2005Such a crack must be stabilized, in order for it not tohappen again.
In that sense, they are correct. However,will allow you to stabilize the crack, so thatexpansion will not occur. Do it before the pool is plasteredand you will have it back to new. Good luck and I hope thatI have been helpful.Sincerely. Alan Schuster, 4/24/2005Visit The Website Stores.
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